Friday, January 29, 2010

Thank you so much for all of your prayers. On Monday morning I am going to have a very important test. Please pray for me at 7:30 a.m. I have really felt God's peace during this past week. God is so good all of the time.



  1. Hello Rick and Diane -
    My cousin, Tad Marshall, who has moved to the Portland area to attend George Fox and who is now attending your church gave me a call last night. He wanted me to tell you about Xango juice - the juice of the mangosteen fruit, because he knows what it has done for his Aunt Muriel -- MY mom. I believe I mentioned it to you briefly one day at Cor Deo when I mentoined to you that it has saved her life. I know of hundreds of other people right now who are cancer free from every kind of cancer and tumor you can imagine because of this juice. Obviously God is using this juice in powerful ways - it was only brought to America 7 years ago, perfect timing for the health crisis our country is in. My mom has had blood cancer, stage 4. Her doctors at one point wanted her to do 6 rounds of chemo. A single round would have cost $36,000 dollars, which would have meant $6,000 out-of-pocket for my mom. She decided to do Xango juice instead - drinking a bottle a day for a month. When she came back for more tests, the doctors were so shocked...said they "wouldn't even recommend chemo at all, and whatever she was doing KEEP doing it." She continues to have all her blood count numbers going in the right direction all the time. She is doing amazing! I believe that God will heal her, and I believe He is using Xango juice along with prayer and a believing heart. If you have any interest in hearing more about what Xango can do and how it can help, please don't hesitate to call me. I just wanted to give you the information again since Tad is really concerned that you didn't know about the healing power of a wonderful God-made fruit, for such a time as this.

    I know that it is difficult news to receive about cancer, so my heart is with you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    God Bless,
    Tracy Taylor

  2. I will be praying. Thanks for all you share - especially how you are encouraged in the Lord and His Word!

  3. Our account keeps saying BILL but this is Marsha commenting......sorry the account is under Bill and I don't want to change it.

    Love ya,

    Marsh :-)
