Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Diane did very well yesterday with her first chemotherapy treatment. She faced it with courage and faith, and she felt reasonably well all day. She was also able to give a Christian book about cancer to one of the patients also getting chemo.

Today, however, she is feeling more nauseous and cold. At the same time, God gave her a good opportunity to encourage a sister in Christ who has cancer that she met today at the doctor's office.

So please pray for Diane. There are hardships and there are opportunities all rolled together. And thank you for your love. Diane feels it, and it encourages her.



  1. Hi Rick and Diane,
    It was so good to hear how well things went and how strong Diane was. We are praying and I know that God will carry her through all of this. What a blessing that God used her to encourage others as well. It is so good she can give hope to others. We will continue to pray for her strength, freedom from sickness and trust in our Lord...walking in love and without fear. Diane, we love you. Marsh, Bill & Hailey

  2. We haven't heard from you in awhile, We love you and miss you and pray you are staying strong. Ron and Jennifer
