Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our doctor's appointment Thursday was disappointing. We weren't sure before if Diane would need a full course of radiation, but now we know she will. So when chemotherapy is done around June 1, then she waits a few weeks, and then she has 5-6 weeks of daily radiation. After that it will take some weeks to recover. So it looks like a rough road until the end of summer. Pray for God's comfort and encouragement.


1 comment:

  1. My dear Elzinga family,
    Just when I think I can complain about how difficult things in life are I am reminded of friends yours-who are walking through more difficult things that I am. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I can't wait to come and visit you this summer...Phoenix can catch you up on all the news from Kuwait and maybe we can all sit together and watch an episode of Thomas the Train!
